Add HDR Photos feature to iPhone 3G and 3GS (How to)

Apple introduced HDR Photos feature for the iPhone 4 on its September 1st event but did not gave the new feature to older iPhones, so that gave hackers the chance to go against Apple once again and bring the new features unofficially to Apple devices. Now lets come to the point, if you have a iPhone 3G or a 3GS in your possession with iOS 4.1 running on it then follow the instructions below to bring the new feature HDR Photos to your older device.

Follow these instructions to add HDR Photos feature to you iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS.

  • Make sure you have installed OpenSSH through Cydia. When it’s installed, SSH into your device (I recommend you also use the “passwd” command to change your password from the default “alpine”)
  • If you have an iPhone 3G, grab the file located at /System/Library/CoreServices/
  • If you have an iPhone 3GS, grab the file located at /System/Library/CoreServices/
  • Add a key named “hdr-image-capture” with a boolean value of “true” to the “capabilities” section of this property list
  • Save it, and use SSH to replace the copy on the device with your modified version
  • Restart SpringBoard, or just reboot your device. You should now have access to the HDR setting in the camera application.

And in case you don’t know, what HDR feature does is it takes three photos in quick succession, one properly exposed, one overexposed and one underexposed, and then combines all three to produce one single detailed photograph.